Apple Vision Pro, the mixed-reality headset that promises to transform your space with apps, entertainment, photos, videos, and more, has been a hit among tech enthusiasts since its launch in February 2024. However, not everyone is thrilled by the device, especially when it is used in inappropriate situations. Such was the case for a software engineer who decided to wear his Apple Vision Pro at his own wedding, much to the dismay of his new bride.
A Wedding Gone Wrong
The software engineer, who wished to remain anonymous, told AppleInsider that he was a huge fan of Apple products and had pre-ordered the Apple Vision Pro as soon as it was available. He said he was fascinated by the device’s features, such as the custom micro-OLED display, the dual-chip design, the eye-tracking, and the spatial audio. He also said he wanted to capture his wedding in 3D with the device’s 3D camera, which can take spatial photos and videos that can be relived with immersive Spatial Audio.
However, his plan backfired when he showed up at the wedding venue wearing the headset, which has a sleek and compact design but still covers most of the face. His bride, who had no idea about his intention, was shocked and angry to see him wearing the device. She said she felt like he was not present at their wedding and that he cared more about his gadget than her. She also said she was embarrassed by his appearance and that he ruined their wedding photos.
The groom said he tried to explain to his bride that he was using the device to enhance their wedding experience, but she was not convinced. He said he regretted his decision and that he should have asked for her permission before wearing the device. He said he hoped to make it up to her by taking her on a honeymoon trip with the device, but she refused to go with him unless he left the device behind.
A Mixed Reaction from the Public
The story of the groom’s mixed-reality blunder went viral on social media, where people had mixed reactions. Some people sympathized with the bride and criticized the groom for being insensitive and disrespectful. They said he should have focused on his bride and their wedding instead of his device. They also said he should have respected the wedding etiquette and the traditions of their culture.
Others defended the groom and praised him for being innovative and adventurous. They said he was trying to create a memorable and unique wedding experience with the device. They also said he was not harming anyone by wearing the device and that he had the right to express his personality and preferences. They also said the bride was being unreasonable and overreacting.
A Lesson Learned
The groom said he learned a lesson from his mistake and that he would not wear the device at any other important occasions without consulting his partner. He said he still loved his device and his bride, and that he hoped they could reconcile their differences. He said he believed that mixed-reality technology could enhance people’s lives, but that it should be used with caution and consideration.
The bride said she was still hurt by his actions and that she needed time to forgive him. She said she was not against technology, but that she wanted him to be more attentive and respectful to her and their relationship. She said she hoped he would understand her feelings and respect her wishes.
The couple said they were willing to work on their marriage and that they hoped to find a balance between their love for each other and their love for technology.