In a groundbreaking move, HIF Global has chosen Johnson Matthey (JM) as the methanol licensor for its Paysandú eFuels project in Uruguay. This facility is set to become the largest e-methanol plant in South America, with an impressive expected production capacity of 700,000 tonnes per year of e-methanol. Let’s delve into the details.
HIF Global, a leading eFuels company, aims to support the decarbonization of marine and automotive sectors through sustainable technologies. Their Paysandú eFuels facility will utilize JM’s eMERALD™ technology, which leverages electrolytic (green) hydrogen and waste CO2 from an ethanol plant to produce e-methanol.
The eMERALD™ Technology
JM’s e-methanol eMERALD technology has been proven effective in decarbonizing methanol production. It will play a pivotal role at the HIF Paysandú eFuels facility, meeting the growing demand from the marine market. Additionally, this e-methanol will serve as a feedstock for producing e-gasoline, further contributing to the decarbonization of over 150,000 vehicles.
Project Impact
The collaboration between HIF Global and JM builds upon the successful demonstration of eMERALD technology at the HIF Haru Oni eFuels facility. This demo plant, which has operated successfully for over 12 months, produces methanol that is further processed into gasoline. HIF Global’s investment of $4 billion in the Paysandú facility marks a significant milestone for Uruguay, creating approximately 1,500 jobs during construction and an additional 300 permanent operational positions.