Enterprises are increasingly adopting mobile and cloud technologies as they have become more and more aware of the money and time savings advantages. Office 365 is one of the most appreciated platforms for enterprise-level businesses.
Looking at the benefits that cloud platform offer to businesses, it would want businesses to smoothly migrate to this platform. This article aids in making the business templates brand and legal complaint and ready for “cloud-based” Office migration.

Resolve compliance problems with business templates
Compliance is one of the important things to be considered when planning to migrate to the Office 365 cloud. Unless you carry out proactive planning, you would fail to get customized business templates upon migration.
In the absence of proper planning for management of business templates, it is possible that users reuse non-compliant material i.e., incompatible logos and layout in the presentations and documents.
The use of incorrect disclaimers and legal information could land your business into trouble. It is advised to start implementing a template management system right from the start.
Templafy is one of the best companies that offer efficient template Office 365 cloud migration. They have an excellent reputation of providing best-in-class customer support. Their practices should be compliant with your industry-specific regulations.
Step by step preparation of business templates
The below step by step guide ensures full compliance with existing corporate templates in Office 365:
- Begin by examining the types of presentations and documents used in the organization. Form an elaborate list to obtain the complete overview of memos, letters, standard presentations, reports, company presentations, and sales presentations.
- Develop the appropriate types of the template while focusing on the convenience of maintenance and use.
- Execute a template management system that eases the task to update web content such as logos, user data, legal data and company data in the templates.
- Integrate your existing system into “Office 365” and properly train employees who would be working on the system.
What is the significance of involving super users in the migration process?
During the process of migration, organization is seen to be stressed about the outcome of project. This sometimes results in wastage of productivity too. Offloading knowledge to superusers prior to pushing the button results in a successful Office migration.
The inclusion of super users will help you know whether or not you have carried out all preparations correctly. Superusers can be included from different departments in the organization. They know the precise use cases and needs to inform if anything is missing in the business. This is an important activity to perform before migrating your project to cloud.
Enterprises are getting progressive in their implementation of mobile and cloud technologies. They get more and more aware of the cost-saving and time-efficient benefits. Cloud and Office 365 serves as the most favored platform for large scale businesses. These are some of the very useful tips that would help you make business templates completely compliant for transition to “cloud-based” Office migration.